Sunday, August 12, 2007

My work

For a long time I've been wondering what is my work about, what I would like to do. Well now I've come to a conclusion:
  1. I want to concentrate on grono, make it a worldwide company.
  2. I found that I'm a backend programmer. I don't like implementing frontends because it's a non-creative work, even though I consider myself very experienced in designing them, and so I will focus on backend solutions/programming.
A bunch of ideas are fluctuating around my head, many things can be done better than they are now based on my vast experiences with grono. And I will work on many projects enriching available solutions. Right now I'm working on:
  1. Business workflow software - I want to use it inside grono and I wonder if I will be able to surpass Microsoft's solutions with it's simplicity and integration (if not - we will use their solutions at grono probably).
  2. Free time/tourism website. This is partly GUI related work so it's been waiting to be finished for the last 1-2 months while I concentrated exclusively on grono, but now it is the time to finally finish it.
  3. TODO list site. This isn't even in the planning state, I want to wrap up the first two.
So that's about the whole secret plans :)

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