Sunday, August 19, 2007

The 'what to do now' problem

I'm extremely passionate about programming (especially Lisp and Python), about creating simple and effective solutions really quickly, about reusing existing solutions. Over the last month or two I've created an extremely scallable IM server (scales infinitely, handles tens of thousands of concurrent connections per server), a simple in-memory cache server, and the BPM software mentioned in the previous post. Then there is the tourism site I've made, which isn't up online yet but I'm going to finally release it next week.

OK, but that's done. So what next? Many ideas float around. Ideas for the software I listed above arose from everyday problems. Grono needed an IM server and a cache - so I wrote it. Grono needed BPM - so I wrote one. I'm having problems with organizing my free time - so I made that tourism site to solve that problem.

Problem is I seem not to have any more problems left. I hope some will come soon, or maybe you have some problems to be solved?

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